Revised CDC isolation timeline may prompt workplace policy changes

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Debra Steiner Friedman discussed with HR Dive about the CDC's guidance for those not requiring hospitalization may be useful to employers in determining whether employees who have COVID-19 may return to work. Employers may, for example, have policies in place requiring employees who test positive for COVID-19 to quarantine from the workplace for 14 days, a timeline previously referenced by the CDC in its guidance for individuals with COVID-19 or who tested positive for the disease. "While that still may be appropriate in many cases, we are learning that this is not a one-size-fits-all rule," she said. "Accordingly, at this time employers should consider policies that allow employees to return to the workplace 10 days after the date of a positive COVID-19 test if they never develop symptoms, and to extend the 14-day standard time away from work if employees need additional time to recover due to severe illness as a result of COVID-19."

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