Banking on It: The Ten Most Common Claims Involving Banks [American Bar Association]

Aaron Krauss, Brett Watson, and Josephine Bahn authored chapters of the American Bar Association’s latest book, Banking on It: The Ten Most Common Claims Involving Banks. Brett also served as editor of the publication. This book provides an overview of the relevant area of the law as well as practical advice on the issues that usually arise. Topics covered include check claims, wire fraud, credit and debit card claims, lender claims, commercial real estate loan defaults, employment claims, safe deposit box claims, fiduciary claims, third-party discovery, and class actions.

Aaron contributed the Employment Claims chapter. In this chapter, he covers the main differences between banks and other defendants, discrimination claims, and wage and hour claims.

Brett contributed the Check Claims chapter. Brett covers the general rules for claims against your bank and claims against depositary banks for payment on forged checks.

Jo co-authored the Lender Claims chapter. In this chapter, she covers claims arising out of the loan application process, the life of the loan, default on the loan, and litigation and damages.

To read Aaron’s chapter, click here.

To read Brett’s chapter, click here.

To read Jo’s chapter, click here.

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Josephine M. Bahn


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Aaron Krauss


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