New York Note: Adams Counsel and NYPD Commissioner Resign, Mastro Nomination, City Legislation 

September 16, 2024
NYPD Commissioner and Adams Chief Counsel Resign

Over the weekend, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and Mayor Adams’ Chief Counsel, Lisa Zornberg, resigned their positions. Caban resigned at the request of City Hall, shortly after federal agents seized his phone as part of a criminal investigation. Zornberg’s resignation letter did not speak to her reasons for exiting, but there is speculation that her departure is linked to the Adams’ administration’s multiple pending federal investigations. Both Caban and Zornberg held their positions for a little over a year. Tom Donlon will serve as interim NYPD Commissioner.

Mastro Withdraws Nomination for Corporation Counsel

Just a few days before the City Council formally voted, Randy Mastro requested that Mayor Adams withdraw his nomination for Corporation Counsel. The Council was widely expected to reject his nomination, following an 8-hour confirmation hearing in late August. In his public withdrawal letter to the Mayor, Mastro referred to the Council hearing as “anything but fair.” Following Mastro’s withdrawal, Adams stated: “it’s unfortunate that politics has seeped into this process and, as a result, will deprive New Yorkers of one of the most qualified candidates for this office our city has ever seen.” The Council’s statement referred to concerns about Mastro’s record, and noted, “We look forward to working with the Administration to advance a nominee who is unifying rather than divisive, has the trust of all city elected officials, and can secure support from the Council.”

NYC Council Introduces and Passes Legislation

Last Thursday, the NYC Council convened a Stated meeting, where they passed and introduced multiple pieces of legislation. The Council passed legislation creating a Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation process on slavery in New York City, forming a reparations study, and adding informational signs at the site of the City’s first slave market. A bill was also passed requiring the improvement of at least 1 mile of paved medians every two years, including adding planted medians, tree beds, or stormwater infrastructure. The Council introduced a bill requiring a study on naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs), along with a bill requiring a centralized list of AI tools approved to be used by city agencies. You can find all of the legislation that was passed and introduced here.

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Rose Christ

Co-Chair, New York Practice, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies

(212) 883-2248

Katie Schwab

Co-Chair, New York Practice, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies

(212) 883-4913

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