Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring

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Delaware Supreme Court Addresses Forum Selection Disputes

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss West v. Access Control Related Enterprises, which addressed several issues that arise in cases involving forum selection disputes.


Cozen O'Connor represents key parties on all sides of bankruptcy and restructuring matters, including large corporate debtors, secured and unsecured creditors, creditors’ committees, and trustees. On the debtor side, we quickly assess the client’s options and devise a workable solution, whether the client is looking to refinance or restructure debt, or to sell substantially all of its assets through an out-of-court process or a Chapter 11 proceeding. On the creditor side, we implement strategies for creditors and creditors’ committees to maximize their recoveries against debtors in an expeditious manner. We also represent trustees in administering complex Chapter 7 cases, pursuing litigation against third parties, and selling business assets under a court-sanctioned auction process. Overall, our goal in every engagement is to restructure or liquidate in a way that preserves and maximizes value. 

Unlike much corporate work, bankruptcy often involves dozens or even hundreds of directly interested parties. To reach a mutually acceptable solution, counsel must accurately assess and coordinate a host of divergent interests. The lawyers at Cozen O’Connor have experience representing parties on all sides of bankruptcy matters, which means they are quick to anticipate the needs and priorities of divergent constituencies and devise a winning strategy for the client. They also serve as mediators in high-level disputes, so they are adept at focusing negotiations and navigating smoothly around potential roadblocks.

Bankruptcy is unique from other practice areas, because it combines transactional and litigation practice. Attorneys must design complicated contracts as readily as they make oral arguments. Cozen O’Connor’s bankruptcy attorneys’ breadth of experience in putting deals together and trying cases makes them ideally suited to operate at this legal crossroads. Our bankruptcy attorneys have extensive trial experience and move easily between the courtroom and the conference room.

Whether overseeing a Chapter 11 case on behalf of a creditors’ committee, declaring insolvency, executing an out-of-court restructuring, or lodging a cross-border complaint, bankruptcy-related matters move fast. Our practice is structured to facilitate prompt team formation, which allows us to get up and running without delay. The firm has local offices in 31 different cities in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and the important bankruptcy hubs of New York City, Wilmington, Houston, Richmond, Toronto, and Chicago. Accordingly, when a matter demands quick action, our attorneys are already on location. No matter how fast the pace, neither quality of work nor client communication is ever compromised.


  • Represent large private and publicly held businesses in Chapter 11 proceedings
  • Represent trustees in Chapter 7 liquidation and Chapter 11 reorganization cases
  • Represent foreign representatives in Chapter 15 proceedings
  • Represent creditors’ committees in Chapter 11 proceedings
  • Represent purchasers and sellers in Section 363 sales
  • Represent lenders, developers, and investors in real estate insolvencies and restructurings
  • Counsel creditors on reorganizations, foreclosures, and liquidation proceedings
  • Counsel clients on out-of-court restructurings and workouts
  • Advise clients who sell, buy, or invest in distressed and insolvent businesses
  • Advise boards of public and private companies in the midst of financial crises
  • Represent clients in all forms of litigation arising from bankruptcy and insolvency


  • Corporate debtors
  • Secured and unsecured creditors
  • Creditors’ committees
  • Trustees
  • Foreign representatives
  • Purchasers of assets
  • Investors
  • Insurers
  • Developers
  • Landlords and equipment lessors


Cozen O’Connor’s bankruptcy team is comprised of extraordinarily well-qualified attorneys. The group includes lawyers recognized by the American Board of Certification, Chambers & Partners, and Best Lawyers in America. Senior members of the team chair bar association bankruptcy sections, serve on boards of industry organizations and serve as adjunct law school faculty.

Our goal is to transcend the role of outside counsel and become a true business partner. That requires an ability to listen and understand client goals. It also requires a different approach to staffing than most large law firms. We believe that major matters are best handled by small teams of veteran attorneys. When a firm assigns twelve different lawyers to manage twelve different tasks, no one sees the whole picture and, worse yet, no one is accountable. At Cozen O’Connor, we staff in ways that both support the development of comprehensive solutions and ensure accountability and efficiency. 

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Court of Chancery Dismisses Fiduciary Duty Claims Related to Self-Tender Offer [Delaware Business Court Insider]

July 03, 2024

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision dismissing fiduciary duty claims against directors and officers based on their alleged approval of a self-tender involving a controlling stockholder.

Supreme Court Orders Stand Down on Insurance Neutrality Test for Standing [Alert]

July 02, 2024

Marla Benedek discusses the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Truck Insurance Exchange v. Kaiser Gypsum Co., Inc., which held that insurers facing potential liability for bankruptcy claims are parties in interest under the Bankruptcy Code.

Director Liability in Canada for depleting corporate assets

June 04, 2024

Steven Weisz and Dilina Lallani authored an article for the Bankruptcy & Restructuring Expert Guide 2024.

Chancery Court Emphasizes Nexus Between Unclean Hands Defense and Asserted Claims

May 01, 2024

Mark E. Felger and Kaan Ekiner discuss Vice Chancellor Morgan T. Zurn’s motion to strike the defenses of unclean hands and in pari delicto in Pilot v. Greg Abel in the Delaware Business Court Insider.

How Purdue Pharma High Court Case May Change Bankruptcy

April 02, 2024

Brian Shaw and David Doyle co-authored a Law360 article on the potential implications of the Supreme Court decision in the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy case.

The Quirks of Mediation in Sub V

April 01, 2024

Marla S. Benedek and Mark E. Felger discuss the role of mediation in bankruptcy cases filed under subchapter V of chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.

Chancery Declines Jurisdiction Over Contract and Tort Claims Not Arising Out of LLC Agreement [Delaware Business Court Insider]

March 06, 2024

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision considering jurisdictional challenges to non-resident managers in the context of contract and tort claims associated with an alleged dilution of equity interests in connection with a transfer of holdings to a Delaware LLC.

Del. Bankruptcy Court Decision Serves as Warning of Consequences of Violating the Automatic Stay [Delaware Business Court Insider]

January 17, 2024

Mark E. Felger and Simon E. Fraser caution parties about damages that can be incurred by violating the automatic stay of Section 362 of the bankruptcy code, even in situations where the debtor does not suffer any actual damages, in Delaware Business Court Insider.

Chancery Permits Limited Stockholder Inspection of Nonpublic Books and Records for Better Valuation of Shares

January 02, 2024

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision that permits a stockholder of a publicly traded company to inspect the books and records of the public company’s nonpublic subsidiary to “more accurately” value the public corporation’s publicly traded shares.

Canada "Withdraws" from Further Comment on the SIB Liquidation

December 21, 2023

Heidi Esslinger and Steven Weisz discuss the McDonald v. Toronto-Dominion Bank decision in the December 2023 edition of the American Bankruptcy Institute Journal.

Pa. Ruling Shows Why Term Sheet Can Be Worth The Wait

December 06, 2023

Brian Shaw discusses the challenges attorneys face during lengthy mediation sessions and emphasizes the importance of promptly documenting mediated settlements in a Law360 article.

Court of Chancery Describes Limitations for Vacating Arbitration Awards

November 03, 2023

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision that demonstrates the court’s reluctance to vacate an arbitration award even where the arbitration proceeding and the resulting award might be flawed.

Court of Chancery Examines Director's Personal Relationship in Dismissing Duty of Loyalty Claim

September 11, 2023

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss Vice Chancellor Sam Glasscock III’s decision In re Orbit/FR Shareholders Litigation.

Bankruptcy Ruling Shows Section 363’s Magic Has Its Limits

August 10, 2023

Brian Shaw analyzes the significant role Section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code plays in commercial bankruptcy cases in Law360.

Court of Chancery Address Scope of Privilege Concerning Third-Parties

July 06, 2023

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss Chancellor Kathleen St. Jude McCormick’s decision in The Police and Fire Retirement System of the City of Detroit v. Elon Musk.

Delaware Supreme Court Addresses Forum Selection Disputes

June 09, 2023

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss West v. Access Control Related Enterprises, which addressed several issues that arise in cases involving forum selection disputes.

Court of Chancery Allows 30(B)(6) Depositions as a Tool in Section 220 Discovery

April 05, 2023

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision addressing the use and appropriate parameters for a Rule 30(b)(6) deposition as a discovery tool in connection with Delaware books and records actions under Section 220.

Litigation Concerning the Automatic Stay

March 20, 2023

Peter Roberts co-authored “Litigation Concerning the Automatic Stay,” chapter 6 of the 2023 edition of Commercial Bankruptcy Litigation & Strategic Alternatives For And Against Distressed Businesses.

Bankruptcy Ruling Affirms High 9th Circ. Evidentiary Standard

March 08, 2023

Brian Shaw discusses how the use of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in recent high-profile cases has resulted in debtors raising protection concerns in a Law360 article.

Court Issues Reminder of Potentially Harsh Consequences for Failure to Preserve Evidence in Anticipation of Litigation

March 08, 2023

Mark Felger and Simon Fraser discuss a Delaware Superior Court opinion that demonstrates the importance of preserving evidence leading up to litigation in a Delaware Business Court Insider article.

Chancery Court Sustains M&A Fraud Claims Based on Near-Term Financial Projections

February 02, 2023

Kaan Ekiner and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision addressing several issues that often arise in motion practice at the pleading stage of cases involving allegations of M&A fraud based on near-term financial projections.

Chancery Court Addresses the Requirements for Issuing Letters of Request Under the Hague Convention

December 08, 2022

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger (Wilmington), writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent Delaware Court of Chancery opinion that addressed the requirements for issuance of letters of request under the Hague Convention.

The Requirements of Equitable Fraud as a Basis for Chancery Court Jurisdiction

November 10, 2022

Barry Klayman & Mark Felger (Wilmington), writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss the requirements of equitable fraud as a basis for jurisdiction in the Court of Chancery in Delaware.

Employee Benefits in Bankruptcy - Portfolio 380 [Bloomberg Tax]

October 17, 2022

Matthew Clyde co-authored the Bloomberg Tax Portfolio addressing the interplay of benefits and bankruptcy law.

Court Upholds Garnishment of Beneficiary's Interest in Distributions From a Del. Statutory Trust

October 13, 2022

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger (Wilmington), writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by the Delaware Supreme Court upholding the garnishment of a beneficiary’s interest in distributions from a Delaware Statutory Trust.

Bankruptcy Code Preempts LLC Act's Statute of Repose for Recovery of Distributions

September 01, 2022

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by a judge in the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware holding that Section 546 of the Bankruptcy Code preempts Delaware’s three-year statute of repose on the liability of a member for distributions from a limited liability company.

Chancery Lacks Jurisdiction to Award Damages for an Improvidently Entered Injunction in the Absence of a Bond

August 05, 2022

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision in the Court of Chancery holding that the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to award damages for an improvidently granted injunction in the absence of a bond or other security.

9th Circ. Subchapter V Case Clarifies Commitment Periods

July 06, 2022

Brian Shaw and David Doyle analyze the Legal Service Bureau Inc. v. Orange County Bail Bonds Inc. decision, which that addresses the commitment period under Section 1191(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code in an article titled “9th Circ. Subchapter V Case Clarifies Commitment Periods,” in Law360.

Director's Access to Company's Privileged Information Upheld Despite Proxy Contest

June 01, 2022

Barry Klayman & Mark Felger (Wilmington), writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, review a recent decision by the Court of Chancery in Delaware holding that where two halves of a deadlocked board are competing in a proxy contest, neither side could benefit from the company’s resources, including its privilege, to the exclusion of the other.

2022 Business Bankruptcy Practice

May 11, 2022

David Doyle, Allen Guon, and Peter Roberts each authored a chapter of the 2022 edition of Business Bankruptcy Practice, a book published by the Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education.

Stark Upholds Granting of Nunc Pro Tunc Retentions by Bankruptcy Court

May 04, 2022

Mark Felger and Barry Klayman co-authored an article on that analyzes U.S. District Court Judge Leonard P. Stark’s decision in City of Rockford v. Mallinckrodt (In re Mallinckrodt), 2022 WL 906451 (D. Del. Mar. 28, 2022).

2 Years Of Small Biz Bankruptcy Law: Winners And Losers

April 04, 2022

Brian Shaw discusses the beneficial and detrimental effects of the Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA) in an article titled, “2 Years Of Small Biz Bankruptcy Law: Winners And Losers” in Law360.

Slights Addresses Third-Party Direct Actions by Judgment Holders Against an Insurer

March 31, 2022

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, review a recent decision in the Superior Court of Delaware that addresses whether a third party may bring a direct action against an insurer for coverage on a theory of subrogation when equitable subrogation does not apply and the right cannot be traced to a statute or contract.

Court Refuses Appointment of a Custodian Under DGCL Section 226(a)(3) to Continue Defunct Corporation

March 02, 2022

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision in the Delaware Court of Chancery refusing to appoint a custodian pursuant to Delaware General Corporation Law Section 226(a)(3) to continue the business of a defunct corporation.

The Common Law Insolvency Exception for the Sale of a Corporation's Assets Without Stockholder OK [Delaware Business Court Insider]

February 02, 2022

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision in the Delaware Court of Chancery reaffirming the continuing validity of the common law insolvency exception for the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of an insolvent or failing corporation without the requirement for stockholder approval.

Timely Appeal of Order of Dismissal Warrants Substitution and Further Proceedings by Chapter 7 Trustee

January 13, 2022

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by the Delaware Supreme Court directing the Court of Chancery to substitute a Chapter 7 trustee for the nominal defendant and realign it as plaintiff in a shareholder action that had been dismissed for failure to make a demand on the company’s board of directors, where the case was pending on appeal when the bankruptcy case was filed.

8th Circ. Ruling Clarifies Bankruptcy Rent Cap Guidance [Law360]

December 22, 2021

Brian Shaw authored an article in Law360 exploring unfamiliarity with the impact Section 502(b)(6) has on the balance of the landlord's underlying, substantive state law claim for breach or termination of a lease once it's reduced by application of Section 502(b)(6)'s cap.

VC Glasscock on the Evolution of the Vested Rights Doctrine in Delaware

December 09, 2021

Barry Klayman & Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by Vice Chancellor Glasscock of the Delaware Court of Chancery reviewing the evolution of the vested rights doctrine in Delaware and synthesizing from prior case law a simplified test for its application.

Delaware Court Is Proper Forum to Address Issues Raised by Foreign Letters Rogatory

November 03, 2021

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by Judge Paul R. Wallace of the Delaware Superior Court holding that the Delaware courts are the proper forum for resolving issues raised by a subpoena issued pursuant to foreign letters rogatory, including the propriety and scope of the subpoena and whether the expenses of complying should be shifted from the non-party target to the requesting party.

Board's Delayed Response to Misconduct in Light of Enforcement Actions Defeats 'Caremark' Claim

October 07, 2021

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, review a recent decision by Vice Chancellor Slights of the Court of Chancery dismissing a claim that defendants violated their Caremark duties because plaintiff failed to adequately plead demand futility.

Bankruptcy Courts' Equitable Discretion May Be In Danger [Law360]

September 20, 2021

Brian Shaw and Mark Radtke co-authored an article in Law360 exploring the concerns about the bankruptcy court’s ability to make impartial decisions.

Chancery Holds Section 3104(d)(4) Provides Standalone Authority for Alternative Means for Service of Process

September 02, 2021

Barry Klayman & Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, review a recent decision by Vice Chancellor Slights of the Court of Chancery of Delaware holding that section 3104(d)(4) of the Delaware Long Arm Statute provides standalone authority for alternative means for service of process, and approving international service of a summons and complaint by email and posting at the defendants’ residences.

Sontchi Rejects Majority View on Test to Determine Whether a Business Trust Is an Eligible Debtor

July 01, 2021

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, review a recent decision from Chief Judge Sontchi of the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware holding that the law of the jurisdiction in which a trust is organized governs whether it is a “business trust” that can be an eligible debtor under the Bankruptcy Code.

Expedited Bankruptcies Are Cause For Concern [Law 360]

June 09, 2021

Brian Shaw and David Doyle discuss the U.S. Trustee’s Offices’ position on Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases in which the debtor seeks to either confirm a plan or sell substantially all its assets in a matter of weeks or less after the petition date in Law360.

High Court Affirms Bankruptcy Ends LLC Membership but Not Member's Economic Interest

June 03, 2021

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, review a recent decision from the Supreme Court of Delaware affirming that the Bankruptcy Code does not preempt the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act to the extent that it divests members of an LLC who file for bankruptcy of the right to participate in the management of the company, but not their economic interest.

Fiduciaries Must Care - Personal Liability for PPP Loans Under Federal Priority Statute

June 01, 2021

Allen Guon authored an article published in the American Bankruptcy Institute Journal examining the personal liability of anyone in control of an insolvent debtor’s assets making distributions to unsecured creditors prior to satisfying Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans under the federal priority statue.

What Constitutes a Consumer Deposit for Priority Treatment Under the Bankruptcy Code

May 05, 2021

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, review a recent decision from the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware discussing what is a consumer deposit for purposes of priority treatment under section 507(a)(7) of the Bankruptcy Code and holding that prepayments to a flight service company for future airplane flights were deposits within the meaning of the statute.

Don’t Give Up Your Leverage — The Interplay Between Vessel Arrest and the Automatic Stay [Alert]

April 28, 2021

Geoffrey Ferrer, Christopher Raleigh, Neil Quartaro, Eric Scherling, and Erik Schmidt discuss a recent victory for a client in connection with a debtor that was in severe financial distress.

Motions for Partial Dismissal Toll the Period for Answering the Entire Complaint for Del.'s Note Action Statute

March 31, 2021

Barry Klayman & Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision from the Superior Court of Delaware holding that partial motions to dismiss toll the period for answering the entire complaint under Delaware’s Note Action Statute moving for partial dismissal before answering is not a procedural error necessitating a default or other repercussions.

How Consumer Bankruptcy Rulings Can Aid Ch. 11 Practice

March 09, 2021

Brian Shaw discusses the importance of a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Chicago, Illinois v. Fulton in Law360.

The Doctrine of Unclean Hands as Guardian of Equity

March 03, 2021

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision from the Court of Chancery of Delaware that discusses the doctrine of unclean hands and explains how it serves as the guardian of equity and a vehicle for protection of the reputation of the court itself.

Congress Enacts Modification to Bankruptcy Procedures Governing Assumption and Rejection of Leases

February 12, 2021

Steve Katkov and Joel Nesset discuss provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act that narrowly target companies to assist those that have filed for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code by temporarily modifying the rules governing a tenant’s performance under its leases.

Fixing Ch. 11 For Small Biz: What SBRA Means By 'Engaged'

February 05, 2021

Brian Shaw and Christina Sanfelippo discuss the Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA) that went into effect on February 19, 2021 and is designed to improve the Chapter 11 reorganization process for small business debtors in Law360.

The Affiliate Privilege Doctrine Explained

February 03, 2021

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision from the Delaware Superior Court that serves as a primer on the affiliate privilege doctrine.

A Primer and a Warning for Section 220 Proceedings

January 14, 2021

Barry Klayman & Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision from the Court of Chancery in Delaware that serves as a primer on increasingly common defenses to stockholder books and records inspection demands and a cautionary tale for defendants in Section 220 proceedings who opt to pursue overly aggressive defense strategies that seek to place obstacles to the use of Section 220 as a quick and easy pre-filing discovery tool.

Chancery Holds First-Party Claims Covered by Standard Indemnity Provision in LLC Agreement Absent Express Contrary Intent

December 09, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by the Court of Chancery in Delaware holding that first-party claims are covered by a standard indemnity provision in a limited liability company agreement absent an express intent to the contrary, rejecting application of the presumption in a line of cases involving bilateral commercial contracts against fee-shifting with respect to claims between the contracting parties absent a clear statement allowing it.

Yeah, About That Consignment Agreement … How You Can Lose Your Goods in a Retail Bankruptcy [Alert]

December 08, 2020

Allen Guon and Robert Fishman discuss the Uniform Commercial Code and the steps necessary to perfect your consignment under it.

Waiver of Partition Right Held Unenforceable Where Unlimited in Duration

November 04, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by the Court of Chancery in Delaware holding that a waiver of partition rights by co-tenants of real property was unenforceable because it was unlimited in duration.

COVID Cash Crunch: Options for Reorganizing or Winding Down Your Company in Illinois

October 27, 2020

Ira Bodenstein and David R. Doyle discuss options for businesses impacted by COVID-19 that are considering winding down or reorganizing.

Deed in a Box: An Advantageous Loan Workout Method in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic [Alert]

October 07, 2020

Rebecca Eschen discusses why deed-in-a-box transactions are particularly well-suited for the COVID-era economic instability.

Anti-Assignment Clause Prohibiting Assignment by Operation of Law Applies to Subsequent Merger

October 07, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by the Superior Court of Delaware holding that an anti-assignment clause prohibiting an assignment “by operation of law” without the other party’s consent applied to a subsequent merger in which the contracting party was not the surviving entity.

Chapter 7 Trustee Can Abandon Looting Claims Back to Creditors Who Had Them Before the Bankruptcy

September 02, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger contributed an article to the Delaware Business Court Insider.

Options for Reorganizing or Winding Down Your Company

August 20, 2020

In light of the financial distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ira Bodenstein and David Doyle contributed a guest blog post to the Chicago Loop Alliance exploring some of the options available to companies considering their options for reorganizing their debts, winding down, or liquidating.

Seller's Privilege Claims Remain With Seller Unless Buyer Contracts for Waiver or Waiver Right

August 05, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by the Delaware Court of Chancery holding that, unlike the rule in merger cases, the privilege for communications regarding an asset purchase agreement and associated negotiations does not pass to the purchaser by default operation of law, but remains with the seller unless the buyer contracts for something different.

Chancery Decision Seeks to Further Clarify Operation of Del. Borrowing Statute

July 01, 2020

Barry Klayman & Mark Felger, writing in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discuss a recent decision by the Delaware Court of Chancery interpreting the state’s borrowing statute, which provides that a suit to enforce a cause of action arising outside of Delaware cannot be brought in a Delaware court after the expiration of the applicable Delaware statute of limitations or the statute of limitations of the state or country where the cause of action arose, whichever is shorter.

Chancery Upholds Shareholder Representative Structure and Refuses to Treat Sellers as Real Parties in Interest

June 10, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger published an article in the Delaware Business Court Insider.

Cause of Action for Professional Negligence Accrues at the Time of Injury, Not When Damages Occur [Delaware Business Court Insider]

May 06, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger authored an article in the Delaware Business Court Insider discussing a recent decision of the Delaware Supreme Court holding that for tort claims, such as legal malpractice actions, the wrongful act occurs at the time of injury.

Bankruptcy Court Lacks Jurisdiction to Decide Motion to Stay Pending Appeal [Delaware Business Court Insider]

April 01, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger discuss a recent decision of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware refusing to grant a motion to stay the bankruptcy proceedings pending an appeal to the district court.

Recommendations for Making and Responding to Requests for Credit Accommodations [Alert]

March 23, 2020

John T. Carroll and Mark E. Felger discuss how to request credit accommodations from your creditors and considerations before doing so.

Chancery Reaffirms Fiduciary Exception to Attorney-Client Privilege [Delaware Business Court Insider]

March 04, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger authored an article in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discussing a recent decision of the Delaware Court of Chancery reaffirming the fiduciary exception to the attorney-client privilege in the face of a challenge based on an amendment to the Decedents’ Estates and Fiduciary Relations law.

Superior Court Holds Jurisdiction Over Enforcement of Charging Order Vests in Chancery Court [Delaware Business Court Insider]

February 05, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger authored an article in the Delaware Business Court Insider explaining a recent decision in the Delaware Superior Court, which held that the Court of Chancery was the appropriate forum for enforcement of a charging order where the validity of conveyances between a limited liability company and its members was at issue.

Chancery Modifies Order After Finding Amendment, Representations Changed Litigation [Delaware Business Court Insider]

January 15, 2020

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger authored an article in the Delaware Business Court Insider discussing a recent decision in the Court of Chancery of Delaware granting a corporation’s motion to modify an earlier advancement order where the corporation subsequently amended its claims against a former officer and director in order to eliminate the grounds for advancement.

Chancery Applies 'Statutory Override' to Uphold Privilege for Emails Hosted on Adversary's Server [Delaware Business Court Insider]

December 11, 2019

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger authored an article in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discussing a recent decision in the Court of Chancery of Delaware concerning the applicability of the attorney-client privilege to emails between a party and his attorneys.

In Pari Delicto: Neither Fish Nor Fowl [Delaware Business Court Insider]

November 06, 2019

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger authored an article in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discussing a recent decision of the Court of Chancery of Delaware holding that the defense of in pari delicto is not limited either to actions in equity or at law, and may be asserted as a defense by the Receiver of an insurance company to a legal claim brought in a statutory liquidation proceeding pending in the Court of Chancery.

After Reargument, Chancery Affirms There Is No Bar to an Advance Waiver of Appraisal Rights [Delaware Business Court Insider]

October 09, 2019

Barry Klayman and Mark Felger authored an article in the Delaware Business Court Insider, discussing a recent decision of the Court of Chancery of Delaware holding that the Delaware General Corporation Law does not prohibit sophisticated owners of a corporation from including provisions in a merger agreement that bind them to a future sale of the resulting entity and the waiver in advance of their statutory appraisal rights.

Events & Seminars

Upcoming Events

Seventh Circuit Education Seminar 2024

October 18, 2024 - Chicago, IL

Brian Shaw will moderate the American College of Bankruptcy's Seven Circuit Education Seminar.

All Things Ethics

September 27, 2024 - Washington, D.C.

Brian Shaw will present the topic "All Things Ethics" on a panel at the American Bankruptcy Institute's Bankruptcy 2024: Views from the Bench program.

Past Events

Emergency Chapter 11 Filings

September 05, 2024 - Las Vegas, NV

Illinois Receivership Legislation

November 15, 2023 - Webinar

Cross-Border Update

October 24, 2023 - New York, NY

Central States Bankruptcy Workshop

June 08, 2023 - Acme, Michigan

Subchapter V – The New Kid on the Block

November 09, 2022 - Webinar

Top Cases/Decisions

June 25, 2022 - Lake Geneva, WI

Exotic and Unusual Receiver Motions

March 10, 2022 - Webinar

Bankruptcy from a Governmental Perspective

November 03, 2021 - Webinar

In The News

Mark Felger Named as Recipient of the Turnaround Management Association’s Chapter Impact Award

September 18, 2024

Mark Felger, co-chair of Cozen O’Connor’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practice, has been named the recipient of the Turnaround Management Association’s Chapter Impact Award.

Cozen O’Connor Adds Restructuring and Distressed M&A Lawyer Trevor Hoffmann to its New York City Office

September 16, 2024

Cozen O’Connor today announced veteran corporate restructuring professional Trevor Hoffmann has joined its Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Practice in New York City.

17 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch in Canada

September 04, 2024

Best Lawyers Canada has named 17 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from the firm’s Toronto and Vancouver offices in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Canada.

Best Lawyers Honors More Than 200 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys in its Best Lawyers in America 2025 Edition

August 15, 2024

Best Lawyers selected 242 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s U.S. offices for inclusion in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America.

Bankruptcy Trustees Need More FinCEN Guidance

August 09, 2024

Brian Shaw and David Doyle co-authored a Law360 article addressing the need for clearer guidance on the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), enacted by Congress in 2021.

Fourteen Cozen O’Connor Lawyers Named to Minnesota Monthly “Top Lawyers” list

July 09, 2024

The list will appear in the July/August 2024 issue of Minnesota Monthly

Lawdragon Names Mark Felger and Brian Shaw Among Top 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Lawyers

June 28, 2024

Lawdragon has named Cozen O’Connor attorneys Mark Felger and Brian Shaw, both members in the firm’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practice, to its 2024 list of the Top 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Lawyers.

31 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

June 11, 2024

Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Only 5 percent of attorneys are named Super Lawyers; only 2.5 percent of attorneys are listed as Rising Stars.

Nearly 100 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 27 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2024 Guide

June 10, 2024

Chambers USA rankings are based on an “assessment of a firm’s work and opinions from external market sources, with an emphasis on client feedback.” In order to be ranked in the guide, lawyers and firms must demonstrate “sustained excellence.”

Two Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Delaware Super Lawyers

June 03, 2024

Super Lawyers has selected Mark Felger for the 2024 Delaware Super Lawyers list and Kaan Ekiner for its Delaware Rising Stars list.

The American Bankruptcy Institute Selects Cozen O’Connor Transaction as Asset Sale of the Year

April 20, 2024

Cozen O’Connor is proud to announce that the firm’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Group is the recipient of the American Bankruptcy Institute’s Asset Sale of the Year award.

Six Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named to the 2024 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory

March 29, 2024

Andrew Elbaz, Rory Godinho, Shane Hardy, Michael Osborne, Steven Weisz, and Kevin Zimka were named to the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory for 2024.

Cozen O’Connor Promotes 23 Attorneys to Member

March 15, 2024

“This is a group of terrific lawyers across many offices and practices areas and we look forward to following their achievements,” said Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael J. Heller.

Eleven Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named 2024 Illinois Super Lawyers

January 29, 2024

The Cozen O’Connor attorneys who have been recognized by their peers in Illinois as Super Lawyers are Jack Carriglio, Janet Davis, Jeremy Glenn, Allen Guon, Peter Roberts, Brian Shaw, Joe Tilson, and Anna Wermuth. Amy Doig, David Doyle, and Corey Hickman were named to this year’s Illinois Rising Stars list. This is Hickman’s first year on the Rising Stars list.

Corporate LiveWire Virutal Round Table on Bankruptcy & Restructuring

December 06, 2023

Steven Weisz and Heidi Esslinger participate in Corporate LiveWire's Round Table on Bankruptcy & Restructuring.

Three Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Recognized in 2024 Chambers Canada

October 13, 2023

Shane Hardy (Intellectual Property), Michael G. Osborne (Competition/Antitrust: Litigators), and Steven J. Weisz (Restructuring/Insolvency) were also recognized in the 2023 Chambers Global rankings.

Ten Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch in Canada

August 24, 2023

Ten Cozen O’Connor lawyers from the firm’s Toronto and Vancouver offices were selected for inclusion in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Canada

Best Lawyers Honors More Than 200 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys to its Best Lawyers in America 2024 Edition

August 17, 2023

Best Lawyers selected 232 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s U.S. offices for inclusion in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Lawdragon Names Cozen O’Connor’s Brian Shaw Among Top 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Lawyers

July 10, 2023

CHICAGO, July 10, 2023 — Lawdragon has named Chicago attorney Brian Shaw, a member of Cozen O’Connor’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practice, to its 2023 list of the Top 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Lawyers.

Eighty-eight Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 23 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2023 Guide

June 05, 2023

Of the 88 lawyers ranked, 17 lawyers have been recognized nationally, and eighteen were recognized in Band 1. Eight of the firm's practice areas have been recognized nationally, and nine were ranked Band 1.

42 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers & Rising Stars

May 24, 2023

Super Lawyers has selected 42 Cozen O'Connor attorneys to the 2023 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists.

Thomas M. Horan Appointed to the Bench of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware by the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

March 24, 2023

WILMINGTON, DEL, March 24, 2023 — Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that Thomas M. Horan, a former member of the firm’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Practice Group, has been appointed to the bench of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware.

Six Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Recognized in 2023 Chambers Global Rankings

February 22, 2023

Chambers Global has recognized six Cozen O’Connor attorneys: Susan Eisenberg (Miami – Labor & Employment), Geoffrey Ferrer (New York – Transportation & Trade), Shane Hardy (Toronto – Intellectual Property), Michael Osborne (Toronto – Antitrust & Competition), Joseph Tilson (Chicago – Labor & Employment), and Steven Weisz (Toronto – Bankruptcy & Restructuring) as worldwide leaders in their respective practices.

Eleven Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named 2023 Illinois Super Lawyers

January 26, 2023

Super Lawyers has named 11 attorneys at Cozen O’Connor to its 2023 lists of top practitioners in Illinois.

Cozen O’Connor Attorney Christina Sanfelippo Elected Board of Directors Chair for IWIRC’s Chicago Network

December 13, 2022

Chicago, December 13, 2022 — Christina Sanfelippo, an associate in Cozen O’Connor’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Practice, has been elected chair of the board of directors for the Chicago Network of the International Women’s Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC) for 2023 and 2024. Sanfelippo has also been elected U.S. Programs Committee co-director on IWIRC’s international board of directors for 2023.

Cozen O’Connor Recognized as a “Best Law Firm” in 30 Practice Areas Nationwide, 115 Practice Areas Regionally

November 30, 2022

U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers recognized Cozen O’Connor as a “Best Law Firm” in 30 practice areas nationwide and 115 practice areas regionally.

U.S. Tobacco Deal Wins M&A Advisor Award

November 16, 2022

The team's representation of U.S. Tobacco successfully ended a 17-year class action battle for the largest tobacco cooperative in the United States.

Cozen O’Connor’s Corporate Practice and Multiple Attorneys Recognized in IFLR1000 2022 Edition

October 24, 2022

Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that the firm’s Corporate Practice and multiple attorneys in the firm’s Corporate and Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practices have been recognized by IFLR1000 in its 2022 edition.

Two Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Recognized in 2023 Chambers Canada Rankings

October 14, 2022

Chambers Canada has recognized two Cozen O’Connor attorneys, Shane Hardy and Steven J. Weisz, as leaders in their respective practices.

More Than 200 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch

August 22, 2022

210 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s nationwide offices for inclusion in the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Veteran Restructuring/Insolvency Litigator Steven J. Weisz Joins Cozen O’Connor’s Bankruptcy Group in Toronto

June 13, 2022

Weisz will play a key role in further expanding Cozen O’Connor’s restructuring and insolvency practice to serve both domestic and international clients with business operations in Canada and the United States.

Chambers Ranks 86 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 22 Practice Areas in Chambers USA 2022 Guide

June 02, 2022

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the United States, has ranked 86 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the guide’s 2022 edition.

49 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

June 01, 2022

Super Lawyers has selected 49 Cozen O'Connor attorneys to the 2022 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists.

Two Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Delaware Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

May 31, 2022

Super Lawyers has selected two Cozen O'Connor attorneys to the 2022 Delaware Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists.

Cozen O’Connor’s Brian Shaw Named to The American College of Bankruptcy Board of Regents

April 21, 2022

CHICAGO, April 21, 2022 — The American College of Bankruptcy (ACB) has named to its Board of Regents Chicago attorney Brian Shaw, a member of Cozen O’Connor’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practice.

Leading Lawyers Network Recognizes 23 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers as Top Illinois Practitioners

March 02, 2022

The Leading Lawyers Network has named 22 Cozen O’Connor lawyers to its annual list of Illinois’ top practitioners and named one other as an Emerging Lawyer in its 2022 survey results.

Lawdragon names Cozen O’Connor’s Brian Shaw and Thomas Horan Among Top 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Lawyers

January 31, 2022

Lawdragon has named Brian Shaw and Thomas Horan, members of Cozen O’Connor’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practice, to its 2022 list of the Top 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Lawyers.

Anti-Forum Shopping Bill Reintroduced: A Q&A with Cozen O’Connor's Thomas J. Francella, Jr., Marla S. Benedek, and Frederick E. Schmidt, Jr. []

November 15, 2021

Thomas J. Francella, Jr., Marla S. Benedek, and Frederick E. Schmidt, Jr. discuss the Bankruptcy Venue Reform Act of 2021, also known as the 2021 Act, in a Q&A in the Texas Lawyer. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator John Cornyn reintroduced the Act in September 202l as an effort to restrict where a non-individual debtor is allowed to file for bankruptcy.

Cozen O’Connor’s Corporate Practice and Multiple Attorneys Recognized by IFLR1000

September 16, 2021

Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that the firm’s Corporate Practice and multiple attorneys in the firm’s Corporate and Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practices have been recognized by IFLR1000.

More Than 205 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch By The Best Lawyers In America

August 19, 2021

Best Lawyers selected 210 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 23 of the firm’s nationwide offices for inclusion in the 2022 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

47 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

May 28, 2021

Super Lawyers has selected 47 Cozen O'Connor attorneys to the 2021 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists.

Mark Felger Named a 2021 Delaware Super Lawyer

May 26, 2021

Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that Mark Felger, co-chair of the firm’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Group, has been named to Super Lawyers 2021 list of top practitioners in Delaware.

82 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 19 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2021 Guide

May 26, 2021

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the United States, has ranked 82 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the guide’s 2021 edition; of those, 15 lawyers have been recognized nationally.

Bankruptcy Practice's Human Element Also Fell To COVID-19

March 11, 2021

Mark Felger discusses the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the practice of bankruptcy law in Law360.

Eleven Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named 2021 Illinois Super Lawyers

January 29, 2021

Super Lawyers has named eleven attorneys at Cozen O’Connor to its 2021 lists of top practitioners in Illinois.

Leading Lawyers Network Recognizes 26 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers as Top Illinois Practitioners

January 26, 2021

The Leading Lawyers Network has named 24 Cozen O’Connor lawyers to its annual list of Illinois’ top practitioners and named two others as Emerging Lawyers in its 2021 survey results.

PPP loans kept many small businesses afloat this summer. Without more funds, experts say a wave of bankruptcies is coming.

September 10, 2020

Brian Shaw was quoted in a Chicago Tribune article discussing an anticipated wave of bankruptcies among small businesses when Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans run out, absent additional funding.

With Global Bankruptcy Filings Increasing, Cozen O’Connor Adds Eight Veteran Attorneys to its Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Practice

September 01, 2020

Hires Expand Offerings in Chicago and Add Depth to the firm’s Corporate Bankruptcy Practice

200 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch By The Best Lawyers In America

August 20, 2020

Best Lawyers selected 200 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 23 of the firm’s nationwide offices for inclusion in the 2021 edition of The Best Lawyers in America© (Copyright 2020 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, SC).

Felger Named President of the Philadelphia/Wilmington Chapter of the Turnaround Management Association

January 01, 2020

Mark Felger has been elected president of the Philadelphia/Wilmington chapter of the Turnaround Management Association (TMA). Mark, who is the office managing partner of the Wilmington office and co-chair of the firm's Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Practice, will serve a one-year term as president.

Cozen O’Connor Recognized As a Best Law Firm in 24 Practice Areas Nationwide, 106 Practice Areas Regionally

November 05, 2019

The U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes the collection of client and lawyer evaluations and peer review from leading attorneys in their field.

17 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Recognized as New York Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

September 27, 2019

Super Lawyers has named 17 Cozen O'Connor attorneys to its 2019 New York Super Lawyers and Rising Stars list.


John T. Carroll, III

Co-Chair, Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring

(302) 295-2028

Mark E. Felger

Co-Chair, Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring

(302) 295-2087



31 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

June 11, 2024

Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Only 5 percent of attorneys are named Super Lawyers; only 2.5 percent of attorneys are listed as Rising Stars.

Nearly 100 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 27 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2024 Guide

June 10, 2024

Chambers USA rankings are based on an “assessment of a firm’s work and opinions from external market sources, with an emphasis on client feedback.” In order to be ranked in the guide, lawyers and firms must demonstrate “sustained excellence.”

The American Bankruptcy Institute Selects Cozen O’Connor Transaction as Asset Sale of the Year

April 20, 2024

Cozen O’Connor is proud to announce that the firm’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Group is the recipient of the American Bankruptcy Institute’s Asset Sale of the Year award.

Ten Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch in Canada

August 24, 2023

Ten Cozen O’Connor lawyers from the firm’s Toronto and Vancouver offices were selected for inclusion in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Canada

Best Lawyers Honors More Than 200 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys to its Best Lawyers in America 2024 Edition

August 17, 2023

Best Lawyers selected 232 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s U.S. offices for inclusion in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Eighty-eight Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 23 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2023 Guide

June 05, 2023

Of the 88 lawyers ranked, 17 lawyers have been recognized nationally, and eighteen were recognized in Band 1. Eight of the firm's practice areas have been recognized nationally, and nine were ranked Band 1.

Six Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Recognized in 2023 Chambers Global Rankings

February 22, 2023

Chambers Global has recognized six Cozen O’Connor attorneys: Susan Eisenberg (Miami – Labor & Employment), Geoffrey Ferrer (New York – Transportation & Trade), Shane Hardy (Toronto – Intellectual Property), Michael Osborne (Toronto – Antitrust & Competition), Joseph Tilson (Chicago – Labor & Employment), and Steven Weisz (Toronto – Bankruptcy & Restructuring) as worldwide leaders in their respective practices.

Cozen O’Connor Recognized as a “Best Law Firm” in 30 Practice Areas Nationwide, 115 Practice Areas Regionally

November 30, 2022

U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers recognized Cozen O’Connor as a “Best Law Firm” in 30 practice areas nationwide and 115 practice areas regionally.

U.S. Tobacco Deal Wins M&A Advisor Award

November 16, 2022

The team's representation of U.S. Tobacco successfully ended a 17-year class action battle for the largest tobacco cooperative in the United States.

Cozen O’Connor’s Corporate Practice and Multiple Attorneys Recognized in IFLR1000 2022 Edition

October 24, 2022

Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that the firm’s Corporate Practice and multiple attorneys in the firm’s Corporate and Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practices have been recognized by IFLR1000 in its 2022 edition.

Two Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Recognized in 2023 Chambers Canada Rankings

October 14, 2022

Chambers Canada has recognized two Cozen O’Connor attorneys, Shane Hardy and Steven J. Weisz, as leaders in their respective practices.

Chambers Ranks 86 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 22 Practice Areas in Chambers USA 2022 Guide

June 02, 2022

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the United States, has ranked 86 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the guide’s 2022 edition.

49 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

June 01, 2022

Super Lawyers has selected 49 Cozen O'Connor attorneys to the 2022 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists.

Leading Lawyers Network Recognizes 23 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers as Top Illinois Practitioners

March 02, 2022

The Leading Lawyers Network has named 22 Cozen O’Connor lawyers to its annual list of Illinois’ top practitioners and named one other as an Emerging Lawyer in its 2022 survey results.

Lawdragon names Cozen O’Connor’s Brian Shaw and Thomas Horan Among Top 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Lawyers

January 31, 2022

Lawdragon has named Brian Shaw and Thomas Horan, members of Cozen O’Connor’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practice, to its 2022 list of the Top 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Lawyers.

Cozen O’Connor’s Corporate Practice and Multiple Attorneys Recognized by IFLR1000

September 16, 2021

Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that the firm’s Corporate Practice and multiple attorneys in the firm’s Corporate and Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring practices have been recognized by IFLR1000.

More Than 205 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch By The Best Lawyers In America

August 19, 2021

Best Lawyers selected 210 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 23 of the firm’s nationwide offices for inclusion in the 2022 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

47 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

May 28, 2021

Super Lawyers has selected 47 Cozen O'Connor attorneys to the 2021 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists.

Mark Felger Named a 2021 Delaware Super Lawyer

May 26, 2021

Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that Mark Felger, co-chair of the firm’s Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Group, has been named to Super Lawyers 2021 list of top practitioners in Delaware.

82 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 19 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2021 Guide

May 26, 2021

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the United States, has ranked 82 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the guide’s 2021 edition; of those, 15 lawyers have been recognized nationally.

Eleven Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named 2021 Illinois Super Lawyers

January 29, 2021

Super Lawyers has named eleven attorneys at Cozen O’Connor to its 2021 lists of top practitioners in Illinois.

Leading Lawyers Network Recognizes 26 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers as Top Illinois Practitioners

January 26, 2021

The Leading Lawyers Network has named 24 Cozen O’Connor lawyers to its annual list of Illinois’ top practitioners and named two others as Emerging Lawyers in its 2021 survey results.

200 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch By The Best Lawyers In America

August 20, 2020

Best Lawyers selected 200 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 23 of the firm’s nationwide offices for inclusion in the 2021 edition of The Best Lawyers in America© (Copyright 2020 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, SC).

Cozen O’Connor Recognized As a Best Law Firm in 24 Practice Areas Nationwide, 106 Practice Areas Regionally

November 05, 2019

The U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes the collection of client and lawyer evaluations and peer review from leading attorneys in their field.

17 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Recognized as New York Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

September 27, 2019

Super Lawyers has named 17 Cozen O'Connor attorneys to its 2019 New York Super Lawyers and Rising Stars list.

138 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named to the Best Lawyers in America

August 28, 2019

Best Lawyers selected 138 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 21 of the firm’s national offices for inclusion in the 2020 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

57 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 16 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2019 Guide

April 25, 2019

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the USA, has ranked 57 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the Guide’s 2019 edition.

125 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named to the Best Lawyers in America

August 22, 2018

One hundred twenty-five Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 20 of the firm’s national offices have been selected for inclusion in the 2018 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Related Practice Areas

Upcoming Event:

All Things Ethics

Washington, D.C. 09/27/2024

Brian Shaw will present the topic "All Things Ethics" on a panel at the American Bankruptcy Institute's Bankruptcy 2024: Views from the Bench program.

Event Details

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